Marriage Guidelines


Fr. Andrzej Foltyn
Parochial Vicar
Anibal Cruz
Music Director

Please contact our Music Director for music arrangements.

Congratulations on your engagement!

Please complete the Marriage Application

Someone will contact you to set up a 1st meeting with the priest – He will provide all the requirements necessary

Please note that the sacramental marriage requires at least six (6) months of preparation. NO arrangements should be made until you have received confirmation from the priest.

A non-refundable deposit of ($250.00) is required for a Tentative Wedding date. Effective August 2023, for non-parishioners only this required deposit will be $300.00.

The wedding date will be selected depending on the availability of the Church. It is then that you may proceed to make all the necessary arrangements upon approval of the priest.

  • Please note that this is assuming that there have not been previous marriages (neither in the Church nor Civilly). If you or your fiancé has been married previously (in the Church or Civilly) we must determine the freedom to marry during the initial interview.
  • Also note that Parishioners are given priority.

All correspondence and dialogue will be directly with the couple to be married. NOT WITH FAMILY MEMBERS OR FRIENDS.

For more information, please visit the Archdiocese marriage preparation website.

Sacrament Certificates

If you lost your Sacrament Certificate and wish to request a new one, please fill out this form

Suggested Donation
Contributing Parishioner
Discount Rate¹
Ceremony Only $3,000.00²
Preparation Only $600.00 $350.00
Preparation and Ceremony $3,500.00²

¹ To be considered a Contributing Parishioner you must be contributing a minimum of $1,000 a year and at least one year registered (At least two years for Marriages).

² Marriage Ceremony includes non-refundable deposit of $300 ($250 for contributing parishioners) to reserve the date.

Domestic Tribunal Fee and Internacional Fee are NOT included. Domestic Fee: $50. International Fee: $125

If you have a wedding at another Church and would like for one of our priest to be the witness, all travel expenses must be covered (For example, gas, mileage, airfare, hotel, etc).

Likewise, Priests not assigned to St. Agnes must be compensated directly and previously approved by the Pastor and the Diocese.