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Espíritu de servicio

A Christian stewards is one who receives God’s gifts gratefully, cultivates them responsibly, and returns them with increase to the Lord by sharing them lovingly with others.

Gifts are typically categorized as time, talent and treasure. But how do we practice this in everyday life?

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Time Talent Treasure

Prayer and Using My Time Wisely

Stewardship begins with prayer. This special time with God spiritually prepares us to use our gifts in service to God and others.

Below are ways you can enhance your time:

  • Identify and reflect on my blessings.
  • Participate in Mass every Sunday & Holy Day of obligation.
  • Participate in weekday Mass at least once a month.
  • Pray together with my family.
  • Begin and end the day with prayer of praise / thanks.
  • Spend 1 hour a week at the adoration chapel.
  • Read the Scriptures each week.
  • Pray the Rosary.
  • Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
  • Say grace before every meal.
  • Schedule time for a retreat or faith formation class.
  • Spend quality time with family or those close to me.
  • Comfort the afflicted.
  • Make time for relaxation, recreation or exercise.
  • Manage my time wisely and fairly at my workplace, school or in retirement.

Sharing My Talents in Parish Ministry

God gave each of us unique talents so that He can work through us to serve others.

  • Participate in parish ministries and other charitable organizations. For more information on our parish ministries please click here.
  • Accept responsibility for helping others.

Making a Consistent Gift to the Parish

In thanksgiving for our blessings, we are asked to offer back to God not only our time and talents, but also our treasure.

Each household is invited to give a faithful and generous share of the gifts God has entrusted to you.

    Biblical Tithe Guide:

  • 5% to Parish
  • 1% to Diocese
  • 4% to Charity (Catholic &/or Community)
Mass Schedule Ministries Donations

Stewardship is simple. It's all about gratitude. It's all about God's goodness in our lives and how we can gratefully lift up to the Lord all that's important in our lives. It's about giving back to God the first and best in all we do and all that we are.

Live by JOY (Jesus 1st, Others 2nd, Yourself last).


When you stand before God and He asks what you have done with the gifts He has given you, how will you respond?

My annual gift of TIME, TALENT & TREASURE

How will you share the blessings you have received from God?

In prayerful thanksgiving for the many blessings from God, I promise to support God’s work with my prayers, my presence, my service & my gifts.

I intend to fulfill this commitment in the next 12 months.

Stewardship 2022-2023 Commitment Form.

Muchas personas saben sobre el concepto del espiritu de servicio, reconocer que todo lo que tenemos es un don de Dios, estar agradecidos, desarrollar nuestros dones y compartir generosamente con otros. Generalmente, los dones están categorizados en tiempo, talento y tesoro. Pero, cómo practicamos esta todos los días?

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Tiempo Talento Tesoro
  • Ore a Dios frecuentemente durante el día, todos los días.
  • Hable y escuche a Dios.
  • Participe en los ministerios de la parroquia y de otras organizaciones caritativas.
  • Acepte la responsabilidad de ayudar al otro.
  • Devuelva generosamente una porción del dinero que le ha sido dado gracias a Dios.
  • Dé alegremente sin esperar nada a cambio. Ninguna donación es demasiado pequeña o insignificante.
Mass Schedule Ministries Donations

El espíritu de servicio no es un club exclusivo. Todos nosotros somos servidores. Vivir con espíritu de servicio requiere de una conversión - un cambio que nos ablande el corazón y nos deje espacio para que entre el Espíritu Santo en nosotros.

Vivir un estilo de vida con espíritu de servicio:

  • Toma tiempo - tiempo para orar.
  • Es difícil - demanda que pongamos a Dios por sobre todas las cosas.
  • Significa tomar riesgos - desprendiéndonos de nuestro tiempo, posesiones y dinero poniendo nuestra confianza en Dios.

iLe invitamos a seguir este camino!

iE invite otra persona - SOLO UNA - a que haga lo mismo!

EI espíritu de servicio requiere acción. La acción de generaciones pasadas fue lo que construyó la iglesia. Es nuestra responsabilidad desarrollar y cultivar nuestros dones para las generaciones futuras.

Como dijo San Francisco De Asis,

“Predica el Evangelio todo el tiempo. Usa palabras cuando sea necesario.”